Climate Change Working Group Meetings 2007-2009

July 2, 2009 Core and Thematic Group Meeting

Meeting minutes

June 4, 2009
Core and Thematic Group Meeting
 Meeting Minutes

May 7, 2009
Core and Thematic Group Meeting

Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2009
Core and Thematic Group Meeting

1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting
2.Discussion on Climate change Policy directions for 2009 (Policy, adaptation and mitigation group)
3.Updates from the thematic groups
- Update on VCA tools and methodology (Adaptation group)
- Preparation for the Launching of Capacity Building Project (Adaptation group)
- ABC group meeting update and linking with the media
- Mitigation group TOR and plans
- Carbon Market Orientation Session (Mitigation group)
4.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in national and international events: Briefing of Donor Technical Working Group Others
5.Other business and upcoming events

Meeting minutes

Core and Thematic Group Meeting March 05 2009

1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting

2.Updates from the thematic groups and planned meetings and feed back on CCWG priorities and plans for 2009:
- Climate change policy directions for 2009 (Policy group)
- Mainstreaming adaptation: (Adaptation group)
- ABC group meeting February update and linking with the media
- Mitigation priority planning and Carbon Market Orientation Session (Mitigation group)

3.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in national and international events:
- 3rd International Workshop on Community based adaptation in Bangladesh
- REDD consultation meeting
- ADB CC strategy workshop
- Danida CDM development workshop
- WB meeting on model of resilient cities
- Oxfam briefing towards COP 15

4.Other business and upcoming events

Meeting Minutes

Policy meeting on 23 February 2009

Meeting minutes


February 5 2009 Core and Thematic Group Meeting

1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting 4th December 2008
2.Updates from the thematic groups and planned meetings:
DRR and Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming Workshop (Adaptation group)
Carbon Market Orientation Session (Mitigation group)
3.CCWG review of 2008 and plans for 2009
4.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in national and international events:
5.Other business and upcoming events

Meeting Minutes


December 4 2008 Core and Thematic Group Meeting

1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting 6 November 2008
2.Capacity building program.
3.Discussion on CCWG and donor CC inputs to the CG Meeting
4.Updates from the thematic groups:
5.Present planned leaflet ‘advertising’ CCWG
6.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in national and international events
7.Other business and upcoming events

Meeting Minutes


November 6 2008 Core and Thematic Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Review on revised communication, meeting mechanism
  2. Capacity building programme on CC
  3. Preparation of the Statement of NGO input to CG Meeting
  4. Participation of CCWG members and representatives in national and international events
  5. Upcoming CC events


October 2 2008 Core and Thematic Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Review on CCWG revised communication, meeting mechanism
  2. Update on WB matrix
  3. Capacity building program on CC
  4. Cooperation with Vietnam Civil Society Network for CC
  5. MARD Action Plan Framework (presented by OCCA/MARD)
  6. Presentation on Ghana REDD civil society workshop (by Prof.Dr. Mr Quynh from Forest University) and prepare for the Workshop on REDD in Vietnam
  7. Other meetings attended by members in the last month:
  8. Upcoming CC events


August 28 2008 Core and Thematic Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Proposals for CCWG and thematic group coordination
  2. Outcomes from Capacity Building Needs Assessment Workshop and next steps to develop a capacity building program for NGOs
  3. Update on policy issues: World Bank consultation on a Strategic Framework for Climate Change and donor group meeting on coordination mechanisms (updated from Steve-Oxfam); Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD); National Target Program (NTP) consultation sessions; MARD actions on Climate Change;
  4. Participation by CCWG members and representatives in international events
  5. Other business and upcoming events

August 12  2008 Meeting on Forests, Climate Change and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) Agenda

  1. Opening remarks by Ms. Fiona Percy, CCWG Chair
  2. Introduction to the meeting agenda by Ms Yen
  3. Presentation on REDD in Vietnam by Dr. Phan Manh Cuong, MARD
  4. Introduction of agenda for civil society meeting on REDD and UNFCCC meetings in Ghana by Mr Vuong Van Quynh, Forestry University of Vietnam
  5. Discussion

June 20 2008 Core Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Feedback on thematic group activities
  2. Update and final preparations for the capacity needs assessment workshop plan
  3. CCWG and thematic group coordination:
    • Mobilizing greater participation?
    • Rationalising the thematic groups
    • Use of a newsletter and the website
    • Review meeting style and content
  4. Policy issues:
    • NTP update
    • MARD framework update and plan for debriefing workshop
    • Other policy level/external news and updates (CG meeting, donor group, WB meeting).
  5. AOB, next events


April 28 2008 Core Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Update on external events and plans
  2. Update on thematic group plans
  3. Policy issues:
    • Agreement on CCWG input to MARD action plan workshops
    • Agreement on process and timing for CCWG feedback on the NTP
    • Discussion on advocacy targets and messages
    • Agree operational links between thematic groups and core group
    • Other
  4. Coordination of capacity building and awareness raising
  5. Agree on compiling sub-group plans and any specific coordination needed
  6. Agreement on CCWG event schedule for 2008


March 20 2008 Core Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Thematic sub-group leaders present their plans to the core group for further discussion and compilation into an overall CCWG plan.
  2. Coordination and complementaries between the thematic sub-groups so as to have a coherent agenda for the CCWG.
  3. Core group membership.
  4. Discussion on how best to manage group communication and the webpage that the NGO RC has been developing.
  5. Agree the plan for next CCWG events and follow up.

February 20 2008 CCWG General Meeting Agenda

  1. Introduction
  2. Presentation: The Human Cost of Climate Change - Meeting the Challenge in Viet Nam, by Charles Ehrhart, CARE International Climate Change Team Coordinator
  3. Introduction and Confirmation of TOR for CCWG
  4. Proposed focus areas; Identification of thematic groups
  5. Thematic group discussions
  6. Groups report back
  7. Summary and next steps

January 21 2008 Core Group Meeting Agenda

  1. Presentation and update on results from Bali (SNV)
  2. Quick update on recent and upcoming Vietnam events from core group members - eg. MARD climate change workshop, upcoming MONRE meeting on 23rd Jan etc
  3. Discussion of the TOR for an NGO climate change working group, ncluding discussion of the roles of the core group, NGO Climate Change Working Group (NGO CCWG) and NGO RC.
  4. Update on the data base progress from Oxfam and agree way forward
  5. Plan for advertising the group and broadening the participation of NGOs
  6. Next meeting and next steps in group.

December 14 2007 Meeting Agenda

The meeting was attended by 27 participants from a wide range of NGOs, including local NGOs and a representative from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment.

  1. Introduction to the meeting purpose and agenda
  2. Brief presentation by Oxfam on climate change, impacts in Vietnam and current status of Vietnam’s response
    Oxfam presentation (English)
    Oxfam presentation (Vietnamese)
  3. Self introduction by all participants: name, organisation and brief on organisation’s engagement and interests in climate change
  4. Q&A on NGO responses to climate change
  5. Options and next steps for NGO coordination and database ideas

As part of preparations for the meeting, a stakeholder and project database form was developed and distributed to collect information about current and future climate change-related projects being carried out by NGOs in Vietnam.