Childrights Working Group meeting minutes 21 September 2009

The draft meeting minutes of Childrights Working Group at the meeting on September 21, 2009

The NGO contribution

Around 40 NGOs (including international NGOs and local NGOs) and more than 85 grass-roots disability organisations have participated in the consultation process.

Introduction to the NGO consultancy process on the Vietnam Development Report 2007

On June 23, a meeting was held at the NGO Resource Centre for international NGOs and local NGOs to discuss how they could collaborate on preparing policy recommendations on SEDP 2006-2010 implementation (meeting minutes). This NGO contribution is part of the consultation process being led by the World Bank.

Policy Actions Under PRSC 7

The process of consulting the I/NGOs on the Vietnam Development Report (VDR) 2007 started in June 2006, when a meeting was held for all interested I/NGOs. Eight temporary policy groups were formed around 17 areas of policy interest, and four of these groups produced a report on specific areas. These reports where handed over to the World Bank as input for the VDR Workshop in October organised by the World Bank. NGO Representatives from the policy groups were present at the VDR workshop and attended most of the 19 thematic break out sessions, where they again presented the NGO viewpoints. As follow up on the workshop the NGO RC and INGOs have been in ongoing dialogue with the authors of the report through out the process of finalisation.

Launching PRSC 7 - Documents Sent to Government on December 20

The first draft Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) 7 has been sent to the Government of Vietnam. The Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) is the main aid instrument for providing direct budget support to the government to finance the SEDP, based on annual policy actions approved by the government. The policy dialogue on the draft policy actions included in PRSC 7 takes place between donors, led by the World Bank, and government agencies through two rounds of technical meetings, the meetings are open to NGO participation. The first round of technical meetings will take place during the last two weeks of January.

Vietnam Development Report 2009 - Resource Mobilization

The World Bank has started to prepare for the Vietnam Development Report (VDR) 2009.  This report will focus on the economic pillar of Vietnam's reform agenda (SEDP), and has Resource Mobilization as tentative title.
It is the first time that the World Bank launches the preparation process at this early stage, which provides donors and NGOs an opportunity to provide input on the outline of the VDR and to allocate time and resources.

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