Policy Actions Under PRSC 7
The process of consulting the I/NGOs on the Vietnam Development Report (VDR) 2007 started in June 2006, when a meeting was held for all interested I/NGOs. Eight temporary policy groups were formed around 17 areas of policy interest, and four of these groups produced a report on specific areas. These reports where handed over to the World Bank as input for the VDR Workshop in October organised by the World Bank. NGO Representatives from the policy groups were present at the VDR workshop and attended most of the 19 thematic break out sessions, where they again presented the NGO viewpoints. As follow up on the workshop the NGO RC and INGOs have been in ongoing dialogue with the authors of the report through out the process of finalisation. Below the different steps in the NGO consultation process are described.
The final VDR 2007 is available from the World Bank. An online version will be posted on this website when it is made available.