The NGO contribution
Around 40 NGOs (including international NGOs and local NGOs) and more than 85 grass-roots disability organisations have participated in the consultation process.
Led by the NGO Resource Centre (NGO RC), the consultation process began in June 2006 with a meeting to mobilize engagement in the process, was followed up in July with the identification of thematic working groups and a common methodology, continued through August with working group meetings, and culminated in September with working papers distributed widely for comment and a workshop held to make final recommendations.
The results of this consultation are the papers to be gathered in a report and handed over to the WB. While the papers and the proposals therein do not cover all the actions that NGOs would see as necessary for full SEDP implementation, it is believed that these four papers will provide a distinct contribution to the policy discussion in these areas, based as they are on significant grass roots and specialist experience and expertise from a non-governmental perspective.
The issues are being presented within the framework of World Bank consultation on policy actions to be proposed to the Government of Vietnam linked to its concessional lending instrument, the Poverty Reduction and Support Credit (also grant-funded by many bilateral donors), in support of SEDP implementation. The NGO proposals will be discussed alongside proposals from bilateral and multilateral donors, the results of which will be presented for discussion with government as part of annual PRSC negotiations, as well as forming the basis for the Vietnam Development Report 2007.