

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 – 15 August, 2017.

It is announced by VECO Vietnam that Mrs. Thai Thi Minh has been appointed Regional Director of VECO Vietnam as of 1st July 2017. Her email address for contact is: [email protected].

There is no meeting scheduled for the first half of August 2017.

Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.

Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!

NEWSLETTER 15 - 31 JUL 2017

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 15 – 31 Jul, 2017.

It is informed by World University Service of Canada (WUSC) that as from July 3rd, 2017, Ms. Hue Nguyen has become the new Country Coordinator of WUSC and Uniterra program in Vietnam. Her email address for contact is: [email protected]. Her cellphone number is 090404 1585.


Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 – 15 Jul, 2017.

There is no meeting scheduled for the first half of July 2017.

Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.

Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!

NEWSLETTER 15 - 30 JUNE 2017

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 15 – 30 Jun, 2017.

There are two meeting scheduled for the second half of Jun 2017:

  • Disability Working Group Meeting and Training event on Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD), on Friday, Jun 16 at 8:00;
  • Disaster Management Working Group Meeting, on Friday, Jun 30 at 14:00.

The DWG meeting will take place at the Independent Living Centre's office, 42 Kim Ma Thuong, Cong Vi, Hanoi. The DMWG meeting will be held at NGO Resource Centre Office, Room 201, Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, 6 Dang Van Ngu, Hanoi.

NEWSLETTER 1 - 15 JUN 2017

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 – 15 Jun, 2017.

There is one meeting scheduled for the first half of Jun 2017:

  • Child Rights Working Group Meeting, on Monday, Jun 5 at 14:00

Venue for the CRWG meeting will be advised later.

Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.

Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!

NEWSLETTER 15 - 31 MAY 2017

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 15 - 31 May, 2017.

PATH is an US based NGO operating in Vietnam. PATH's representative office currently has several IT equipment that are no longer in our need (see attached list). Being aware that these items are still in good condition and can be useful for someone who need them, PATH would be happy to donate knowing that these items will continue to be used for the good of the people of Vietnam.

PATH requests that an organization will take ALL these items, and cover the transportation expenses from address: #1101, Floor 11, Hanoi Tower, 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.

NEWSLETTER 1 - 15 MAY 2017

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 - 15 May, 2017.

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Partnership, National Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in collaboration with CAWST, Plan International (Plan), Church World Service (CWS) and other members of WASH Working Group is going to organize a training workshop to help enhance NGO practitioners’ skills in facilitating and managing challenges in their WASH training situations.

The WASH training workshop will be held from 8-12 May, 2017 at the National Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (CERWASS), 73 Nguyen Hong street, Hanoi.


Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 15 - 17 April, 2017.

There are two meetings scheduled for the second half of April 2017:

  • Climate Change Working Group Meeting, on Thursday, April 27 at 14:00.
  • Disaster Management Working Group Meeting, on Friday, April 28 at 14:00.

The CCWG meeting will take place at Oxfam's office, 22 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi. And the DMWG meeting will be held at NGO Resource Centre Office, Room 201, Building E3, Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, 6 Dang Van Ngu, Hanoi.


Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 - 15 April, 2017.

There is currently no meeting scheduled for the first half of April 2017.

CCWG is cooperating with DMHCC (MONRE) to organize the workshop Assess the requirement of using climate service in Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam. The workshop is held on 4 Apr 2017 at 20 Thuy Khue, Ha Noi.

Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.

Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!

NEWSLETTER 15 - 31 MAR 2017

Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 15 - 31 March, 2017.

Please be informed that the German Red Cross (GRC) office has moved to a new place from 27 February 2017.
The GRC’s new address is: 7th floor, 59 Quang Trung street, Nguyen Du ward, Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi.
The GRC’s old address was 2nd floor, No.68 Nguyen Du street, Hanoi.
The landline phone number 04-39413758 and the fax number 04-39411216 have been canceled.
Please reach GRC at the official landline phone number 04-39411215.