
NGO Resource Centre News - February 1 - 15


First off this week, we would like to wish all our members and friends the very best success and health for the 2008 Year of the Rat. The NGO RC looks forward to continuing to work with you all in the new lunar year and wishes you the very best over the Tet holiday period.

There are three working group meetings coming up in the next month: the HIV/AIDS Working Group will be held on March 12 from 14:00 – 16:00, location to be confirm; and the Disability Working Group will be held on March 13 from 14:00 – 16:00 at NGO Resource Centre; and the Administrative Working Group will be held on March 20 from 15:00 – 17:00 at NGO Resource Centre.

See the Calendar section below for more details. 

NGO Resource Centre News - January 15 - 31


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for February 1 - 15, 2008

First off this week, we would like to wish all our members and friends the very best success and health for the 2008 Year of the Rat. The NGO RC looks forward to continuing to work with you all in the new lunar year and wishes you the very best over the Tet holiday period.

There are three working group meetings coming up in the next month: the HIV/AIDS Working Group will be held on March 12 from 14:00 – 16:00, location to be confirm; and the Disability Working Group will be held on March 13 from 14:00 – 16:00 at NGO Resource Centre; and the Administrative Working Group will be held on March 20 from 15:00 – 17:00 at NGO Resource Centre.

NGO Resource Centre News - January 15 - 31


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for January 15 - 31, 2008.

The first draft Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) 7, which includes 61 proposed policy actions, was sent to the Government of Vietnam in December 2007. The policy dialogue between donors, including NGOs and government representatives, will take place between between Monday, January 21, and Friday, February 1st. Please contact the NGO RC at [email protected], if your organisation is interested in taking

NGO Resource Centre News - January 1 - 15


Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for January 1 – 15, 2008

The NGO RC and a number of NGOs continue the efforts to broaden the participation of INGOs and Vietnamese NGOs in the climate change debate and enable NGOs to share their current engagement and future interest in addressing climate change, as a follow up to an initial Climate Change meeting held at the NGO RC in December 2007. If you would like to participate in this initiative, please visit: to download the database form, and fill in and return the questionnaire to [email protected]. If you have any questions please email: [email protected].

NGO Resource Centre News - December 15 - 31

Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for December 15 - 31, 2007

First of this week, The VUFO-NGO Resource Centre would like to take this opportunity to send you and your families our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

NGO Resource Centre News - December 1-15

First off this week, we would like to remind you about an upcoming meeting on climate change being held at the NGO Resource Centre on December 14, 3pm-5pm. The meeting will serve as an initial step towards broadening the participation of INGOs, as well as Vietnamese NGOs, in the climate change debate by discussing current NGO climate change-related activities and the need and options for future NGO coordination in this field.

NGO Resource Centre News - November 15-30

First off this week, we would like to inform you about a number of preparations for the Consultative Group (CG) Meeting, which will be held on December 6-7, 2007. On November 6, a meeting was held at the NGO RC to begin preparing the NGO Statement. At the meeting, it was agreed that the following issues should be included in the statement: Social impacts and vulnerable groups; Disability rights; Special needs education; Climate change; Offtrack MDGs: Environment and HIV AIDS; Legal reform; Capacity building at sub-national level; Aid effectiveness & Role of CSOs. The statement is now in process of being drafted.