NEWSLETTER 1 - 15 MAY 2017
Dear Members and Friends:
Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 - 15 May, 2017.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Partnership, National Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in collaboration with CAWST, Plan International (Plan), Church World Service (CWS) and other members of WASH Working Group is going to organize a training workshop to help enhance NGO practitioners’ skills in facilitating and managing challenges in their WASH training situations.
The WASH training workshop will be held from 8-12 May, 2017 at the National Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (CERWASS), 73 Nguyen Hong street, Hanoi.
Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.
Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!