Minutes & Presentations at CCWG meeting in March, 2013

The meeting consists of two sessions: Session 1: + Chairs of 3 thematic groups (ABC, Adaptation, Mitigation) present Sub-groups' workplan in 2013 + CCWG Structure in 2013 + Updates on Joint Advocacy Action Plan/CCWG involvement in SREX Vietnam Session 2: + Presentation: Developing a Project to Address Climate Change Adaptation Needs in Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries in the Mekong Delta – Vietnam (ICAFIS) + GIZ's sharing on Climate Adaptive Livelihood Initiatives Forum and Smart Rice Cultivation Innovation Workshop.

EMWG sharing "Intergenerational Self-help clubs- a community-led development model" by HelpAge International on 27th Feb 2013

Dear EMWGers,

Please find the HelpAge International's presentation at EMWG sharing on "Intergenerational Self-help Clubs - a community-led development model" on 27th Feb 2013 by clicking HERE


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