At the EMWG sharing: Presentations and full reports of Oxfam's latest studies on Poverty Reduction Models and Roles of Village Institutions in poverty reduction in some ethnic minority communities in Vietnam

Dear development practitioners,


Thank you for your active participation in the EMWG sharing on Oxfam's latest studies on Poverty Reduction Models in some ethnic minority communities and Roles of Village Institutions in poverty reduction in some typical ethnic minority communities in Vietnam, dated on 15th August, 2013

Please click the links below to find all the presentations and its full reports. If you face any problem with the link, kindly contact the EMWG coordinator at [email protected]

1. Presentations:

  1.1. Poverty Reduction Models in some ethnic minority communities in Vietnam: ENG and VNese

Minutes and presentations at CCWG meeting in Ausgust, 2013

- Updates from 3 thematic groups

- Presentations:

  * Enhancing coastal eco-system management and developing community livelihoods in responding to climate change

Minutes & Presentations at CCWG meeting in July, 2013

Update from the thematic groups (ABC, Adaptation, Mitigation)

Updates on the implementation of Joint Advocacy Strategy (CCWG-DMWG)

- Presentation:

Toolkit for talking about adaptation in farmer focus groups - ICRAF

Sharing on:

SPERI's Presentation and Reference documents at the EMWG sharing on Customary laws in forest use and management and in conflict resolution (Case study in Lao Cai)

Dear development practitioners,

Please follow the links to find SPERI's presentation and reference documents on Customary law in forest use and management and in conflict resolution (case study in Lao Cai) at the EMWG sharing on 17th July 2013.

- Presentation

- Report in ENG and VNE.

Thank you,


Database of organizations working with ethnic minorities in Vietnam - updated October 2014

Dear development practitioners,


Thank you so much for providing me with your organizational data. It is extremely useful for those who are working with ethnic minority communities.

Please find attached for the updated data table of 32 organizations. If you would like to add/change/update any your organizational information, do not hesitate to contact EMWG coordinator via her email: [email protected]

It would be great if you share the data with your colleagues and partners. The data table still needs more inputs.


Thank you,


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