Disaster Management

Diaster Management Working Group - SPHERE HANDBOOK Training in March, 2019

The Sphere and Core Humanitarian standards are extremely important for not only Disaster Management but also the other sectors in development and emergency context. It has been revised and available at the end of 2018 with a number of changes that need to be taken into account for our works. In order to do better preparedness for the context of more extreme disasters with diversified frequency and magnitude hit Vietnam, DMWG core members including PACCOM, NGOs, Red Cross, UN Agencies in collaboration with the Disaster Management Policy & Technology Center DMPTC  and Church World Service will organize 3 days training event on 11, 12, 13 of March, 2019 on SPHERE HANDBOOK. For more information on the seminar, please consult the links  below for the details.

Disaster Managment Working Group meeting in February, 2019


This is Disaster Management Working Group regular meeting.

22 February, 2019
Time:14- 16 PM
Location: VUFO - NGO Resource Centre meeting room, Room 201, E3 Building, Diplomatic Compound, N0 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi


Disaster Managment Working Group meeting in January, 2019


This is regular meeting of Disaster Managment Working Group meeting in January, 2019.

Date: 21 January 2019
Time:14 - 16.30
Venue:VUFO- NGO Resource Centre, Room 201, E3 building, Diplomatic Compound, N0 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi


- Introduction
- Survey on demand of Capacity building of the DMWG's members - SC
- Brainstorming Workplan for DMWG
- Preparation Plan for Sphere training in Vietnamese for NGOs Junior staffs, field-based staffs and local partners on 11-12/3/2019: Next steps - CWS.
- Rotating Chairmanship role assignment
- Ending Year Party


Disaster Management Working Group meeting in October, 2018


This is monthly meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. The details are as below:

Date: 26, October, 2018

Time: 14 - 16 PM

Venue: VUFO - NGO Resource Centre, Room 201 Building E3,  Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, 6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam


- Contribute to DMWG annual report
- Comment to Documents/MOU for DM Partnership establishment  - MARD
- Develop Workplan for DMWG in 2019

The comments on agenda are welcomed!



Disaster Management Working Group meeting in Sept, 2018


This is Disaster Management Working Group meeting. The details are as below:

Date: 14 September, 2018
Time: 14 - 16 PM
Venue: Paccom Office, 105 A Quan Thanh, Ba Dinh, Hanoi


1. Discussion and getting consensus on DMWG 's Recommendations to draft MOU on Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Partnership
2. Update Damange/Losses/Emergency Response from all member to Thanh Hoa Province in term of Flooding recently

Further information, please contact our Group Chair Mr. Le Van Duong - WVV at [email protected]
Please confirm your attendance to me at [email protected]

Refresh Training for Joint Assessment Team of DMWG in August, 2018

 This is 2018 Joint Assessment Team Refresher Training,  hosted by all core members of the Disaster Management Working Group.

Refresher Training event for Joint Assessment Team - DMWG in August, 2018



This is 2018 Joint Assessment Team Refresher Training,  hosted by all core member of DMWG


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