CONSULTANCY OPPORTUNITY Research on access to productive agricultural land for the rural land poor, landless and smallholder male and female farmers in the four Lower Mekong River Basin countries with case studies focusing on Cambodia - CAMBODIA, LAOS, THAILAND, VIETNAM
CARE International in Vietnam is a Non-Governmental Organisation representing the CARE International network in Vietnam since 1989. CARE in Vietnam contributes to the global effort on eliminating poverty and hunger, particularly for vulnerable and marginalized groups. In Vietnam, to achieve this, we work with Vietnamese partners across sectors such as health services, rural livelihood development, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
CARE Vietnam is now seeking a qualified consultancy for Assessment of Women Empowerment Outcomes of Community-based Organizations (CBOs).
The Vietnam School Readiness Promotion Project is financed by the World Bank and implemented by Ministry of Education and Training. This project aims to support the implementation of the scheme "Universalizing preschool education for 5- years- old children in the period of 2010-2015" of the Government (Decision 239/QD-TTg on the Universalizing preschool education for 5- years- old children in the period of 2010-2015 and Decision No.
ILRI Vacancy: Research Assistant, Hanoi (Closing, 16 May 2014)
To meet the current expansion of its program in Vietnam, ILRI is seeking an open-minded, dynamic and energetic Research Assistant, who will be based in Hanoi, Vietnam and work directly under supervision of the ILRI Agricultural Economist.