Youth Congress Exhibit and Microgrant Initiative
Habitat for Humanity “Youth Congress” is open for registration.
Young people disproportionately bear the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. They face the risk of eviction and long-term inability to afford a decent place to live, disruptions in schooling and employment, and the rising occurrence of abuse and violence (International Labour Organization, 2020). Even then, the youth have defied expectations and came out stronger as volunteers and as champions of sustainable development. As the Asia-Pacific Housing Forum gathers sector players, it is critical that spaces are designed for the youth to harness their creativity and innovation to help reshape inclusive housing.
The 2021 Asia-Pacific Housing Forum Youth Congress will bring together young people who have led community projects that contribute to Habitat for Humanity’s mission. It will provide young leaders with a platform to showcase their projects to a regional audience, discuss what resources young people need to scale up their projects and impact, and prepare a youth statement on “building forward better for inclusive housing”. As in previous iterations, the third Youth Congress will raise the issue of decent, affordable housing through the eyes of the youth, their stake in the issue and the ways they contribute to the solutions.
Deadline: November 30, 2021
More information on the program and application process could be found at: