Publications from CCWG Member meeting on June 12, 2019

To successfully address climate change education, innovation and sound data are crucial. Mid-June CCWG organized a meeting and invited speakers to share on those topics with its members. First, Dr. Nguyen Viet Thanh, Head of the Department of Sustainable Development and Climate Change from the University of Natural Resources and Environment, introduced the research and training activities of the Department and encouraged cooperation and exchange between the department and CCWG members.

Afterwards, Mr. Nguyen Hong Long, Director of the Center for Creativity and Sustainability (CCS), shared on renewable, clean and low-cost energy solutions and demonstrated an improved low-emission cooking stove that saves resources.

In the third session, representatives from the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI), Mr. Matt Gray, Head of Power and Utilities and Mr. Durand D'souza, Data Scientist, presented CTI’s updated report on Economic and Financial Risks of Coal Power and discussed the way forward with the participants.


Please find all presentations in the drive link below:


And CTI's report can be found here: