PRPP Project is looking for an consultant firm to support for CEMA to do the research as information below:
01 National Consulting Firm to support CEMA to do research on: A situation assessment in Vietnam of persisting poverty among its national ethnic minority groups (EMs) 2007-2012. Working also with lessons learned in earlier poverty reduction programmes, identify the obstacles that may have prevented EMs from gaining full access and benefit from these poverty reduction policies/programmes during this period. Based on the engaged research, provide appropriate and practical recommendations on poverty reduction policies/programmes to meet the particular requirements of different EM groups in Vietnam for the period 2012-2016, towards 2020.
Pursuant to Decision No 1489/Q?-TTg of Prime Minister, the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) was assigned to develop and implement poverty reduction policies for EM groups. Based on the experience and lessons from reducing poverty in EM areas in period 2006-2012, CEMA realized that poverty reduction and economic development has not reached the achieved objectives as expected.
Although there are a lot of research on the causes of poverty in Vietnam as a whole, and specific to EM areas, there is very little qualitative research on poverty among the various EM households (an estimated 53 ethnolinguistic groups plus around 160-200 sub-groups, an array of local names and language variations not included in this official classification). So, CEMA would like to update and evaluate the EM poverty situation and explore the lessons learned from poverty reduction programmes in the period 2007-2012 as well as address the continuing concerns and obstacles among EMs to access benefits from these programmes.
In order to support CEMA in conducting the mission above, the Sub PMU of the Project “Support the implementation of the Resolution 80/NQ-CP on directions for sustainable poverty reduction in the period of 2011-2020 and the National Targeted Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction in the period of 2011-2015” (PRPP) of CEMA (as CIP) and MOLISA (as NIP) needs to recruit a national consulting firm to carry out the mission: A situation assessment in Vietnam of persisting poverty among its national ethnic minority groups (EMs) 2007-2012. Based on this assessment, provide appropriate recommendations on the formulation of poverty reduction policies and adjustments needed in order to meet the particular requirements in the different EM areas in Vietnam for the period 2012-2016 (and to meet long term goals in 2020) .
The Terms of Reference (TOR) as attachment
The interested consulting firms/organizations are invited to receive “Request for proposals” (as from 5/8/2013) for preparing and submission of Technical and Financial proposals to be selected for providing consultant service on the research mentioned above, at the following address:
Address: Level 5, No 18 Lý V?n Phúc, ??ng ?a, Hà N?i
Deadline for submission:
Before 5:00 PM, Tuesday, 20 August 2013