About Education for Nature – Vietnam
Education for Nature - Vietnam (ENV) was established in 2000 as Vietnam’s first non-governmental organization focused on the conservation of nature and protection of the environment. Our mission is to foster greater understanding amongst the Vietnamese public about the need to protect nature and wildlife. We employ creative and innovative strategies to influence public attitudes and mobilize Vietnamese citizens to live in balance with the natural world. We work closely with government partners to strengthen policy and legislation and directly support enforcement efforts in the protection of endangered species of national, regional and global significance.
For more details about what we do, please visit:
Website: www.envietnam.org [1] (EN)
www.thiennhien.org (VN)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EducationforNatureVietnam [2] (EN)
https://www.facebook.com/trungtamgiaoducthiennhien [3] (VN)
http://www.facebook.com/ENVvolunteers [4] (VN)
Positions available
Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV) is currently hiring for the position of Field Officer for the Demand Reduction Program.
Field Officer for Demand Reduction Program
Joining a team of five active staff and reporting to the program coordinator, the Field Officer in the Demand Reduction Program will ensure the successful execution of a wide range of public outreach activities and demand reduction campaigns, which aim to reduce consumer demand for illegal wildlife products in Vietnam. The successful candidate will be visibly passionate and motivated to work to save wildlife in Vietnam and will be able to communicate and pass on this passion to the public, whilst also
being highly professional and organized.
Main duties:
- Organize and execute public outreach events
- Organize and conduct presentations about wildlife protection for students and other members of the public
- Maintain ENV’s demand reduction campaigns in Hanoi
- Support with the implementation of targeted campaigns in Hanoi and occasionally other locations
- Support with the administration of ENV’s National Wildlife Protection Network, consisting of 4,500 volunteers.
Skills and Requirements:
- Vietnamese citizen with University degree
- Demonstrated experience in working with the public
- Communication and presentation skills: good verbal & written English and Vietnamese.
- Excellent organization and teamwork skills, including time management and planning
- Ability to work independently, take initiative and pay attention to details
- Results-orientated with a can-do attitude
- Friendly, confident and professional
- Confident with IT skills: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access, internet, etc.
- Graphic design skills preferred
- A passion for wildlife protection and conservation
Benefits and Terms
- Mixed English-speaking work environment
- Challenging job in a dynamic and supportive team
- Full benefits and long term contract provided
- Salary based on performance and experience
Interested candidates must complete ENV’s standard application form in order to be considered, which can be found here:
http://envietnam.org/library/Others/ENV_application_form_Feb_22_2012.doc [5]
An up-to-date CV and cover letter may also be included in the application, but are not compulsory.
Interested candidates are invited to apply for the vacancy no later than February 10, 2015 by email or correspondence.
Please send your applications to:
[email protected] [6]
[email protected] [7]
Further information, please contact:
Nhan Thi Hien (Ms)
Administrative Manager
Education for Nature - Vietnam (ENV)
Room 1701, Building 17T5, Hoang Dao Thuy street, Cau Giay district, Hanoi
Tel: 04 6281 5424
Email: [email protected] [8]
* Applications will be treated on “First come, first serve” basis.
* Only short-listed candidates will be notified for written test & interview