Solicitation number
Request for Proposals (RFP) # SPC-IQS-02
Date and time by which one wishes to receive statements of interest from prospective firms
November 18, 2020, 17:00 (US EST)
Chemonics Contact
USAID Vietnam Strengthening Provincial Capacity Project Management Unit (PMU): [email protected] [1] and cc: Dr. Peter Vaz: [email protected] [2]
Description of services requested
The purpose of USAID Strengthening Provincial Capacity activity is to improve the capacity and build the sustainability of Vietnamese institutions’ provincial capacity building services so they can provide high quality, relevant interventions addressing capacity gaps, enabling provincial officials to implement and measure economic governance reforms more effectively.
Chemonics International Inc. anticipates awarding an indefinite quantity subcontract (IQS) with fixed price task orders to accomplish the following.
Design, delivery, and follow-up activities (including international study tour) of training courses to a local training institution’s faculty, managers, and coordinators. The program anticipates six courses designed to cover four main competencies: 1) local governance and local economic governance; 2) empirical research and critical/strategic thinking; 3) development and delivery of competency/skill-based refresher training program; 4) working in an international environment.
Specifically, these competencies will be developed through, but not limited to, the following training of trainer courses:
- Background knowledge of local governance and local economic development;
- Scientific research skills applied in a) baseline study implementation on local economic governance and local economic development b) surveying the need to strengthen local governance capacity and economic development capacity of managers at provincial department and district level (including the competency framework on local governance and local economic development for managers at provincial department and district level;
- Theory of case study design;
- Curriculum design;
- Training curriculum and training materials (trainers’ and students’ materials) development; and
- Skills to work in an international environment
Anticipated follow-up activities to the training of trainers include 1) Organize and implement annual study tour (in US) for each cohort of faculty, managers, and coordinators to learn about practical experience in local governance and local economic development and in designing and delivering programs for strengthening capacity of provincial officials in local governance and local economic development; 2) Support faculty and training/refresher training managers and coordinators to develop caselets based on the study results in Vietnam and the study tour to the U.S; 3) Assess and finalize modules (trainers’ and students’ materials) of the refresher training program for local executives and officials developed by NAPA faculty and officials after finishing the capacity strengthening program; 4) Advise and assist in the implementation of international research projects conducted by NAPA and a training institution; and 5) Implement pilot teaching of one course at a local institution and another refresher training course at a locality (province).
To request the RFP, please contact PMU: [email protected] [1] and cc: Dr. Peter Vaz [email protected] [2] by November 18, 17:00 (US EST)
The following are the anticipated key dates and deadlines for this procurement. The final dates are subject to change and the full RFP will be provided to interested parties who request the RFP.
The solicitation process will follow the chronological list of proposal events listed below:
RFP distributed to interested Offerors: November 19, 2020 (US EST)
Deadline for written questions: December 1, 2020, 17:00 (US EST)
Answers provided to questions/clarifications: December 4, 2020
Proposal due date: December 16, 2020, 17:00 (US EST)
Subcontract award (estimated): January 15, 2021
Eligible companies or organizations could include a private firm, non-profit, civil society organization, university, or refresher training institution. To be eligible for this opportunity, organizations must meet the following requirements:
- Companies or organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit, must be legally registered under the laws of Vietnam or the United States and meet the requirements of USAID Geographic Code 937
- Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including nonprofit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible as suppliers of commodities and services.
NAICS code
The NAICS code for this solicitation is 541990