CCWG Monthly meeting December 2015

On 3rd December 2015, a CCWG's monthly meeting was organized at SNV office chaired by RECOFTC with topic on REDD+ and FLEGT. Kindly find attached the meeting minutes and presentations.

Community-based climate change initiatives documentation by CCWG

On 8th December, at Vietnam Pavilion, Le Bourget, Paris, France - as a side event of COP 21 (Climate Change Negogitation Conference of UNFCCC), CCWG has launched the new documentation namely "Community-Based Climate Change Initiatives in Vietnam" with experiences of the members of the network. Below is link for the summary report, full report will be sent upon request to email [email protected] 

CCWG position paper on COP 21

Attached is the CCWG's position paper toward COP 21 in both Vietnamese & English which was launched on 17th September 2015.

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