Presentation on Overview Health Right Foster Care (Vietnamese)

TWG Children and HIV subgroup meeting - HCMC 24 May 2010

Report - HCMC HIV TWG Meeting 15 April 2010

Report in English and Vietnamese of the HCMC HIV TWG meeting on 15 April 2010

Presentation on Plan for 2010, HCMC HIV TWG Meeting 15 April 2010

Plan for 2010 by Ms. Tran Thi Ngoc Tram - ActionAid HCMC

Seminar HCMC HIV TWG 21 January 2010

Creating Evidence Based HIV Programs: How to Conduct a Research and Literature Review

SPARK seeks ambassadors for capacity development

In rural villages and towns across Vietnam there are social innovators and local organisations that quietly make a real difference in the lives of poor and disadvantaged. Perhaps you have come across such an organisation? Or maybe you know of organisations that would like to learn about the local development successes of others? If you do, then there may be an exciting opportunity to co-operate with SPARK as a SPARK Ambassador! This article is also available in Vietnamese.


Climate Change Working Group meeting

This is regular meeting of Climate Change Working Group. The detail agenda will be as below:

1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting May 2010
2.Updates from the thematic groups of their recent activities and advocacy message development
- ABC on the journalist works, action plan finalisation
- Mitigation on the recent group meeting
- Adaptation on mainstreaming guidelines
3.Sharing on Training of Trainers on Gender and Climate change by UNIFEM
- Presentation
- Question and answer
4.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in events
- Preparation of CCWG for CG meeting
- Update of the Environment Day
- 3rd Seasonal Climate Change Forum
5.Other business and upcoming events

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