NGO Resource Centre Newsletter November 1 - 15, 2008

Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for November 1 - 15, 2008.

With the end-of-year Consultative Group (CG) Meeting to take place on December 4-5, the NGO RC is beginning preparations for the drafting of the INGO Statement, which is is distributed to all participants during the event and compiled in relation to the different sessions of the draft CG agenda. It forms the basis for input from the three INGO Representatives at the meeting, who are elected by members of the NGO RC. For more information on the meeting, current INGO Representatives
and the election process, please visit:

The first draft of the statement will be compiled by the NGO RC, with input from the INGO Representatives and NGO RC Working Groups, which will then distributed to NGO RC members, Working Groups, and VNGOs invited to the CG meeting for written input prior to an INGO Forum meeting on November 24 at the NGO RC, where the statement will be formally endorsed by NGO RC members.

The NGO RC will be in contact with our members over the next few weeks in order to co-ordinate the statement drafting process and we look forward to your co-operation in presenting the views of the NGO community in Vietnam to the Vietnamese Government and international donors. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

In other news, the NGO RC is now inviting applicants for the position of Managing Co-Director of the centre. A full job description is available at

There are two  working group meetings coming up in the next few weeks: the Water Supply & Sanitation Working Group meeting will be held on November 14 from 15:00 – 17:00 at NGO RC; and the HIV/AID Technical Working Group meeting will be held on November 19 from 14:00 – 16:00 at Hanoi School of Public Health.

See the Calendar section for more details.

All the best from the NGO RC Team.