NGO Resource Centre Newsletter June 15 - 30, 2008
Welcome to the NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for June 15 - 30, 2008.
First off this week, we would like to inform you that PACCOM will organise a Dissemination Meeting for NGOs, which will be held at The Friendship House, 105A Quan Thanh Street, Hanoi, at 3pm on June 19. The meeting aims to disseminate results of the third session of the 12th National Assembly; to update the information on the process of Decision 340 amendment; and to share the news on proceeding with registration and provision of tax codes to organisations and individuals who are subject to income tax. All NGOs are invited to attend.
In other news, the NGO RC Climate Change Working Group will hold a NGO Capacity Building Needs Assessment Workshop on Climate Change on July 1 in order to develop a capacity building program tailored to the needs and interests of Vietnamese and international NGOs. The needs assessment workshop provides an opportunity to participate in determining the priorities and content of a series of climate change capacity building events and to learn and share about existing knowledge and skills among NGOs. For further information, please contact Thu Ha at the NGO Resource Centre on (04) 832 85 70 or by email at [email protected].
Meanwhile, the World Bank is inviting interested NGOs to participate in consultations on a Strategic Framework on Climate Change and Development for the World Bank Group on June 24 at the World Bank offices in Hanoi. The event is part of a multi-stakeholder consultation process, and views are being sought from a wide range of global constituencies. These include other international organisations, UN counterparts, government ministries (Finance, Planning, Environment, Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, etc.), parliamentarians, civil society including indigenous peoples, private sector, faith-based groups, youth, academics, think tanks, trade unions and others that will be affected by climate change, as well as those involved in responding to climate change challenges. For more information or to register your attendance, contact Ms Le Giang at [email protected].
There are two working groups coming up in July: the Landmine Working Group meeting will be held on 9 July from 8am-3pm at the Don Truong Son Hotel in Dong Ha district, Quang Binh Province; and the Disability Working Group meeting will be held on 10 July from 2-4pm at the NGO RC. See the Calendar section for more details.
All the best from the NGO RC Team.