New Steering Committee Member Announcement
The VUFO-NGO Steering Committee (SC) has appointed a new SC member Ms. Yasmin Madan, Country Representative from Population Services International (PSI). This is following the news that our recently appointed SC member Mr. Dario Gentili, Country Director from Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) has announced that he will unexpectedly have to leave Vietnam.
Given the fact that the new SC member's election only took place in May 2009, the Steering Committee has decided to appoint the second best candidate from the elections list. Yasmin has re-confirmed her commitment to serve in this function. She has over 12 years of international experience in the private and international development sectors in India, USA, Zimbabwe and Vietnam. She also has an extensive experience in designing, managing and implementing health programs in Africa and Asia. As the head of an international NGO, her commitment is to build long-term capacity and ensure program sustainability. Yasmin has led PSI in Vietnam for over two years now, working mainly in HIV prevention and safe water in nine provinces in the country. I am certain that Yasmin will be a great addition to the Steering Committee and will contribute to better functioning of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre. Please join me in welcoming Yasmin to her new function!
Marko Lovrekovic, Managing Co-Director
VUFO-NGO Resource Centre