How to Upload Photographs Using Flickr

Flickr provides several options for uploading photographs.  You can also email photos to your Flickr account using yahoo.


Step 1

Enter the Flickr home page and select “Sign Up” to begin creating your profile (see online resources below).

Step 2

Sign in to Flickr with your Yahoo ID and Password and click “Sign In”

Step 3

Begin to upload your first photo by selecting “Upload Your First Photo”

Step 4

Click “Browse” to select your first photo that you want to upload.

Step 5

Select the photo from the dialog box by clicking on the image and selecting “Upload”

Step 6

Continue to select photos to upload by clicking the “Browse” button for each respective selection.

Step 7

Add a tag to your images next. Select a word or combination of words that best represent these pictures. For example, “Agent Orange Working Group” “American War” “Agent Orange”

Step 8

Select your privacy setting. You can make your photos open to any viewer by setting them as “Public”. You can choose only to share your photos by selecting “Private”.

Step 9

Click on “Upload” to upload your photos to Flickr.


Add Description & Save

Step 1

Review your options for adding extra information in each field. You will be able to add and edit a title, description, and one tag or more.

Step 2

Separate each tag with a space. To make two words one tag, add quotation marks around those words.

Step 3

Click on “Save” to finish uploading your photos to Flickr.


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