About Us
The Disability Working Group promotes co-operation, collaboration and better communication among INGOs, organisations of People with Disabilities (PWD), relevant Government Ministries and donor agencies. Issues addressed by the Working Group include rehabilitation and health services, employment, inclusive and vocational education, disability prevention, public awareness of disability issues and barrier-free access to public places.
Regular meetings are held on the second Thursday of odd-numbered months (2:00 pm) at the NGO Resource Centre office, 218 Doi Can, Hanoi, La Thanh Hotel, building F1. Active participants in the Disability Working Group currently include about twenty NGOs and some other PWD groups. A range of sub-groups have also been established to focus in more detail on specific issues such as Employment of PWD.
Information on upcoming meetings of the Disability Working Group will be posted on the Calendar.
For more information, please contact the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre