Disaster Management Working Group
This is regular meeting of Disaster Management Working Group. Since now to the next six month Save The Children will take chairmanship role of DMWG.
The detail agenda which are as bellow:
1-General update (including disaster situation, policies, working environment, diseases etc) (45 minute) 2-Organization updates: any special issues that the NGOs would like to share (training, workshop events)for cooperation or participation (45 minutes) 3-Technical corner - Topic of the Month: sharing technical expertise on project or programming (SPHERE, Cash programming, Rapid assessment, Climate change adaptation, HVCA etc)(90 minutes) OXFAM's presentation on their very interesting approach for emergency support: CASH PROGRAM – cash transfer, cash voucher and cash for work. Hope many organization will have interest to learn.
Further information please contact Mr.
Mr. Nguyen Van Gia at [email protected]