Vietnam Targets Annual 3-4% Decrease in Ethnic Group Poverty
An annual 3-4% decrease in the poverty rate of ethnic groups is one of the specific targets of realizing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) towards ethnic minorities associated with the post-2015 sustainable development goal, recently approved by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung. Vietnam aims to keep the malnutrition rate among ethnic children under five years old at below 8%, the literacy rate among ethnic people aged ten upwards at over 98%, and the illiteracy rate among ethnic women at below 10% as of 2025. Additionally, the rate of ethnic people with HIV/AIDS is targeted to be reduced by less than or equal to 0.3% by 2025, while over 50% of the ethnic group population are targeted to have access to safe water. In order to achieve those targets, it requires institutionalization of MDGs towards ethnic minorities into the 2016-2020 socio-economic development strategies and plans of the country and each ministry, sector and locality; enhancement of intersectoral coordination from central to local levels in MDGs implementation; and mobilization of resources for the fulfillment of MDGs, towards several sustainable development goals among ethnic groups after 2015. It is also necessary to boost the empowerment of local authorities; facilitate local people’s participation in building and implementing policies on poverty reduction, social security and socio-economic development in the mountainous and ethnic minority areas; and enhance communication work in line with ethnic groups’ cultures and languages to raise awareness and change practices on gender equity, healthcare, hygiene and protection against HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. (Nhan Dan – The People Sept 10)