Vietnam, S.Korea Cooperate to Help AO Victims
Vice President cum General Secretary of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA), Tran Xuan Thu, received a delegation from the Korean Victims of Agent Orange Veterans Association (KAOVA) in Hanoi on May 22. Thu welcomed the Korean delegation to Vietnam and the VAVA, saying it demonstrated a deep sympathy among war veterans who were involved in the Vietnamese people’s fight against U.S. invaders. Both sides affirmed their continued cooperation and mutual support in overcoming the consequences of the war and sharing the pain of Agent Orange - a chemical defoliant sprayed by the U.S. Army during the war in Vietnam. They said they were pleased with the ever-increasing cooperation between Vietnamese and Korean AO victims. Nine months after the VAVA was established on October 11, 2004, VAVA and KAOVA signed a document on establishing their friendly relations. Thu thanked the Korean AO victims, particularly those who are members of KAOVA, for supporting and standing side by side with VAVA in the struggle for justice for all AO victims. ( May 22)