Vietnam Receives $1.1M Grant to Send 50 Students and Scientists to Germany
German Ambassador to Vietnam Jutta Frasch has awarded 50 scholarships worth nearly EUR1 million ($1.1 million) to 50 Vietnamese students and scientists who would take part in training courses in Germany this summer, state media reported on June 8. The scholarships will cover graduate programs and German language programs. This is part of the annual student exchange program funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and German government. Among the scholarships, each three-year doctorate program will accommodate a German language course worth combined of over EUR40,000. In 2012, the DAAD supported more than 75.000 Germans and foreigners. The offers range from a year abroad for young students until the doctorate, or an internship to guest lecturing, or from information exchange to coachwork for universities abroad. (An Ninh Thu Do – Capital Security June 8 P4,