Vietnam Named among Top Ten Nations with Worst Air Pollution
Vietnam is listed in the top ten nations with the worst air pollution level in the world, Deputy Head of the Vietnam Environment Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Hoang Duong Tung quoted an assessment of foreign experts. The air quality has been degrading seriously for years due to rapid urbanization, especially most urban areas with dense traffic, construction sites and industrial parks filled with dust, Mr. Tung said at a meeting to seek comments for the national environment report 2013. Data by the ministry showed that dust density in urban areas is 1.5-3 times and in some places is 5-7 times as much as the permitted levels. Air pollution is getting worse in Vietnam as the government lacks measures to reduce the rising amount of harmful exhaust fumes and control the number of private vehicles, which is booming, experts noted. Experts warned that air pollution is posing great threats to people’s health, causing diseases related to the respiratory system, eyes, ears and skin. Up to 80% of diseases in humans are caused by environment pollution which costs Vietnam an estimated $780 million on annual medical services related to. (Phap Luat Viet Nam – Vietnam Law Sept 19 p2)