U.S. Helps Vietnam Control Neglected Tropical Diseases

The U.S. will more actively assist Vietnam in elimination and control over neglected tropical diseases like elephantiasis, trachoma, and intestinal worms, the U.S. embassy said in a press release posted on its website. Vietnam has gained impressive achievements in controlling such tropical diseases, which is expected to be shared with other nations worldwide to achieve the similar results, U.S. Ambassador David Shear said a meeting of health experts funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The country plans to eliminate elephantiasis and trachoma by 2014 and 2016, respectively following a 10-year control program, the World Health Organization said, adding that helminthiasis, soil transmitted helminth and food-borne trematode diseases (intestinal worms) are still major public health concerns and need to be tracked. USAID will provide technical assistance to the Vietnamese Ministry of Health to boost efforts to include surveys, surveillance activities and training in elephantiasis patient care, the final step before elimination is certified. USAID will also join hands with the ministry in de-worming activities and fill gaps in coverage.  USAID activities will include national prevalence surveys for school-age children and mass drug administration in 13 provinces. (vietnam.usembassy.gov Sept 8, Tien Phong – Pioneer Sept 9, Vietnam News Sept 9)