U.S. Funds Social Projects in Vietnam to Celebrate 20-Year Relationship

The U.S. Mission to Vietnam has announced the launch of a Small Grants Program to celebrate 20 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Through this program, Vietnamese non-governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals would receive a grant of up to $10,000 for conducting social projects or activities, the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi said in a press release. Priorities will be given to projects on advancing good governance, transparency, human rights and rule of law; developing civil society; and fostering the exchange of information and building of a professional media including new media. The funding will also focus on programs or activities that help protect the environment and natural resources; support sustainable urban planning for expanding communities; encourage responsible and transparent conflict resolution; promote understanding of the United States, improve access and opportunities for disadvantaged groups; and advocate for the rights for ethnic minorities, women, and girls. Special consideration will be given to projects to be carried out in outlying and disadvantageous provinces, the embassy said. (Tuoitrenews.vn July 7)a