U.K. Helps Vietnam Prevent Sex Crimes among Children
The U.K. Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) will launch a training course on child protection in Vietnam’s southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City today [Feb 28] in an effort to help prevent sex crimes among kids, state media reported. The three-day course is expected to help Vietnamese educators and social workers better protect children from possible risks including sex and labor abuses, said Tim Gerrish from CEOP. “We expect the course will easily find out signs of child abuse and protective methods,” Tim Gerrish added. Vietnam remains 1.54 million or 6% disadvantaged children including disabled, dropouts and poor ones who sometimes plunged into society with numerous lurking risks, local experts said. (Phap luat Tp.HCM – HCM City Law Feb 28 p9)