Poverty Rate to Be Reduced to Below 5% by 2015

PM Nguyen Tan Dung has signed a decision issuing an action plan to cut poverty rates to below 5% nationwide and less than 30% in poor districts. The move aims to implement Resolution 76/2014/QH13 on pushing for sustainable poverty reduction by 2020. To that end, in the 2011-2015 period, the action plan targets to boost the implementation of policies, programs and projects on poverty reduction, especially in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. The poverty reduction policies will be reviewed, especially in favor of near-poor families and those recently escaping from poverty. Relevant ministries and agencies were assigned to submit an overall project on multi-dimension approach to poverty in order to ensure minimum living standards and access to fundamental socio-service; issue poverty criteria in the 2016-2020 period; and conduct general investigations to categorize poor and near-poor households. In the 2016-2020 period, relevant agencies and localities shall implement mechanisms and policies on production, farming land, preferential policies on poor and near-poor families and those recently escaping from poverty, ethnic minority households; provide medical services, education and training for target people. Especially, the pro-poor policies must facilitate production and job generation, especially in ethnic minority areas and areas with high poverty rates. (chinhphu.vn Dec 22)