Northern Agent Orange Organizations Meet in Thai Nguyen

Representatives from associations for Agent Orange (AO)/Dioxin victims across the northern region gathered at a 2-day working conference on May 7 in Thai Nguyen. Their discussion revolved around a number of topics including State policies supporting victims; experience in fund raising, program organization, and resource management; and the construction of additional healthcare centers for AO patients. By the end of 2014, 61 of 63 provinces nationwide had established AO/Dioxin victim associations. The Vietnam Association of Victims of AO/Dioxin (VAVA) has thus far mobilized VND240 billion ($11.2 million) from different sources to help the victims. The association is also working to garner international support for AO victims’ legal struggle to seek justice. VAVA’s Thai Nguyen chapter, which has 12,000 members, has launched several practical activities to support disadvantaged communities such as providing free check-ups and medicines, building houses and presenting scholarships. Moving forwards, AO victim organizations in the north aim to strengthen their operations and boost personnel training. ( May 8)