Dear Members and Friends:
Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 - 15 June, 2018.
There are two meetings scheduled for the first half of June 2018:
- Ho Chi Minh City INGO Discussion Group meeting, on Friday, June 8 at 8:30;
- Child Rights Working Group meeting, on Friday, June 15 at 14:00.
The HCMC INGO Discussion Group meeting will be at the office of Hochiminh City Union of Friendship Organization (HUFO): 3rd floor, 159C De Tham St., Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City. The venue for the CRWG meeting will be confirmed later.
Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.
Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!