NEWSLETTER 1 - 15 June 2011
Dear Members and Friends:
Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 - 15 June, 2011.
May 2011 was the last month for Ms Jeannie Zakharov as the Communications Advisor at the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre. Jeannie was recruited through Australian Volunteers International (AVI) and spent over 18 months helping our team to bring communications to a whole new level, particularly our website, mailing lists and INGO Directory. She raised the awareness of development partners and improved our resources available to member INGOs and other counterparts. She worked effortlessly to make the communication flow faster, smoother and more accurate. Jeannie is a great team player, innovative and always supportive of her colleagues. We wish her a safe journey back to Australia and we miss her already!
We would like to announce an appointment of Ms Hang Thi Bich Nguyen, Country Representative at Marie Stopes International, as a new member of the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Steering Committee. Please join us in congratulating Hang on her new role.
On behalf of members, we have a pleasure to welcome Mr Hector Carpintero, new Country Director for Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA); and to bid farewell to his predecessor Mr Oscar H Domato after many years of fruitful collaboration. At the same time World Concern Vietnam is very pleased to inform all members of the newly appointed Country Director Ms Eda Detros, who took on her new position in May 2011. Dear Hector and Eda, welcome to the big family of INGO members.
There are two working group meetings in June 2011: the Child Rights Working Group will meet on June 7 (14:00) at the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre; the Disaster Management Working Group will meet on June 17 (14:00) at the same location.
Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section of the home page of our website for more information, new added announcements or any unexpected changes.
Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!