Dear Members and Friends:
VVOB Vietnam would like to announce that Mr. Nico Vromant - former Country Programme Manager of VVOB Suriname - has taken up the position of Country Programme Manager in VVOB Vietnam since July 1. His precedent - Wilfried Theunis - has taken up the same position in VVOB South Africa. Mr. Nico's email address for contact is: [email protected].
It is advised that the Spanish Red Cross - Vietnam Delegation has recently had its new Country Representative, Mr. Ignacio Garcia Collantes. He can be contacted at the email address: [email protected].
There is a meeting scheduled for the first half of August 2014:
- Climate Change Working Group, on Thursday, August 7th at 14:00.
The meeting will take place at the Centre for Women and Development: 20 Thuy Khue, Tay Ho, Hanoi.
Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.
Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!