Military Hospital Provides Free Health Check-Ups for Ethnic Minorities
Driving over 400km of bumpy road, a delegation of doctors from Military Zone 175 came to Dac Gan Mountainous Commune in Dac Mil District (Dac Nong Province) to provide free health check-ups and medicines for people of the Mo Nong ethnic group.One of the beneficiaries is a 72-year-old Y Duon in Dak Grai, who has been suffering from high blood pressure but was unaware of the disease. After hearing his symptoms and examining him, Dr. Nguyen Hung gave him detailed instruction on how to cope with this disease. On this occasion, the elderly Y Duon also asked for medicines for his wife who has knee pain and joint problems.Meanwhile, 40-year-old H’ DRap in Dac Lap Hamlet was very touched to receive gifts from the hospital as her family is confronting many difficulties with her husband and school age children.The gift will help her family a little bit in these difficult days.On this occasion, the hospital also presented three houses to the neediest families in the locality. (Quan Doi Nhan Dan –People’s Army Jan 2)