Lao Cai Province Aims to Send 2,500 Laborers Abroad

The northern province of Lao Cai has issued its labor export plan for 2011-2015 with a goal to send some 2,500 laborers to work abroad, including 1,500 laborers from poor districts. Under the plan, all laborers will be assisted with fees for vocational training, foreign language training and orientation education. In three poor districts of Bac Ha, Muong Khuong and Si Ma Cai, apart from common assistance policies, poor and ethnic minority laborers and relatives of revolutionary contributors will enjoy further benefits covering the fees for health checks, passport registration and police records, while being given access to loans at an interest rate just half the normal level from the Bank for Social Policies. Among 2,500 laborers that will receive help from the province to be sent to work abroad in the next five years, 370 laborers will be poor and ethnic minority laborers and relatives of revolutionary contributors, and 630 others will not belong to poor districts. ( Mar 6)