KOICA Funds Metro Projects in HCM City

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has granted HCM City a fund of $5 million to make a feasibility study of the 14.5km long Metro Line No5 in stage 2's construction phase, connecting Bay Hien Intersection and Can Giuoc Bus Terminal in the city. Meanwhile, according to the Municipal Management Authority for UrbanRailways (MAUR), the Korea Eximbank (KEXIM), as the consultative agency, has begun making a pre-feasibility study of a 2km long metro line from Lang Cha Ca crossroad in Tan Binh district to Tan Son Nhat airport  in February this year after the Korean Government agreed to give $1 billion for the study. South Korea is the fourth country taking part in metro projects in HCM City. (vov.vn Mar 18)