Japan Grants $2.5M to Help Vietnam against Droughts
The government of Japan has decided to provide $2.5 million worth of non-refundable aid to Vietnam with an aim to help the country overcome consequences caused by prolonged droughts in the central region and Mekong delta. The amount to be granted through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will help better livelihood in the southern provinces which have suffered from droughts and salnilization since late 2014. The aid will come to water supply, hygiene, and nutrition projects to benefit millions of inhabitants, the online Ha Noi Moi newspaper reported. In addition, the Japense government will support Vietnam in carrying out medium- and long-term cooperation deals in the near future, it said. Australia’s ABC news agency has rated Ho Chi Minh City one of hardest-hit places by climate change. As droughts prolong for months, HSBC revised down Vietnam’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to 6.3% this year from earlier projection of 6.7%. (Hanoimoi.com.vn May 25)