High Technology Needed for UXO Clearance
It is necessary to research and manufacture hi-tech equipment in service of the clearance of unexploded ordnances (UXO) left by the war in Vietnam Major General Pham Quang Xuan, Commander of the Sappers and Vice Chairman of the State Steering Committee on National Action Program on Overcoming Consequences Caused by UXO (Steering Board 504), made the statement on Nov 24 when attending the advanced UXO clearance equipment and technologies in Hanoi. The workshop, lasting till November 25, was held by the Steering Board 504, the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining. According to the Steering Board 504, hundreds kinds of UXO remain lingering in all cities and provinces, with the total contaminated area amounting to 6.6 million ha, or some 20.1% of Vietnam’s land area. Due to difficulties in terrain, equipment, funds…, it is estimated to take hundreds of years to clear all UXO in the country, at a cost of some $10 billion. (news.gov.vn Nov 25)