France to Provide EUR100M ODA/Year for Vietnam’s Development Projs by 2015

The French Development Agency (AFD) will provide EUR80 million-EUR100 million per year in official development assistance (ODA) during Vietnam’s socio-economic development from 2012 to 2015, Jean-Marc Gravellini, AFD director in Vietnam said. Gravellini also revealed that EUR20-EUR30 million would be used annually for water management and treatment projects. For instance, the financial institution is implementing a EUR30 million urban clean water provision project in Vietnam’s six Mekong Delta provinces and a EUR20 million water management project in the Red River region. Similar projects will be carried out in many other localities throughout the country until 2015. “After 2015, further ODA from AFD for Vietnam will depend on the Vietnamese government’s demand and ODA-related risks in Vietnam assessed by France’s government and banks,” Gravellini said. AFD’s total ODA for Vietnam has amounted to EUR1.1 billion since 1997 and 11.2 million Vietnamese people have benefited over the past seven years. The French Development Agency (AFD) is placed third among donors for Vietnam, after Japan and the South Korea. ( May 22)