EVN, MOET to Sponsor Personnel for Study of Nuclear Technology
Vietnam Electricity (EVN) plans to sponsor students with a monthly stipend of $200 per month to study nuclear technology in Russia. This is part of a commitment between EVN and the Ministry of Education (MOET). Both sides signed a cooperation agreement for training personnel in the field of nuclear technology on April 6 in Hanoi. Under the agreement, MOET and its associate agencies will annually select 30 capable staff members and students to study for the master training in atomic energy in the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). EVN will pay a monthly stipend of $200 monthly to each student who will sign a contract to work for EVN after graduation. This course will provide future jobs at every level in the field of nuclear energy. It will also be valid in other countries across the globe. (www.saigon-gpdaily.com.vn Apr 7)