EU Starts Six EUR2.65M Sub-projects in Vietnam
The European Union (EU) Delegation to Vietnam and the European Trade Policy and Investment Support Project (EU-MUTRAP) have started six sub-projects totaling EUR2.65 million, including EUR2.32 million funded by the EU, in Vietnam. The sub-projects will be developed by business associations and research institutes from 2014-2017 focusing on building capacity in international trade and investment, supporting medium to small enterprises, promoting policies, enhancing Vietnam-EU market connectivity, helping businesses meet the EU’s market access requirements and building brand names. The EU pledged to provide EUR542 million in official development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam in 2014. The funding will focus on helping Vietnam eradicate poverty among ethnic minorities, earlier said Dr Franz Jessen, head of the Delegation of the EU to Vietnam. The EU has pledged to provide EUR400 million in ODA for Vietnam in the 2014-2020 period, versus EUR300 million in the 2007-2013 period, said President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso. (Vietnam Economic News Magazine No. 36 p2)