Care Centre for AO Kids Opens in Ninh Thuan

A care centre for Agent Orange (AO) children, funded by philanthropists and organizations both at home and abroad, was inaugurated in the southern province of Ninh Thuan on July 1. The centre plans to receive five AO kids this year in its trial period and 10-30 in subsequent years, said its Director and Vice Chairman of the provincial Association of Victims of AO/dioxin Kieu Tan Binh. As a result of a three-year fundraising campaign, the centre was built with over VND2.45 billion VND ($112,000) sprawling over a 450-square-meter site. It is estimated that more than 4.8 million Vietnamese nationals were exposed to AO/dioxin. Many have died and millions of their descendants continue to suffer the effects of exposure to the chemical defoliant sprayed by US troops during the war from 1961-1971. ( July 1)