Australian NGO to Grant 160 Wheelchairs to Vietnamese AO Victims

The Western Australian Wheelchair for Kids charity organization has pledged to donate 160 wheelchairs to Vietnamese children affected by Agent Orange (AO) this Sept. The announcement was made during a recent visit by Vietnamese Consul General in Perth, Le Viet Duyen to the Rotary Club of Scarborough, Western Australia, which manages Wheelchairs for Kids. The gift is expected to help disadvantaged Vietnamese kids integrate into the community more easily and is one of the activities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties, said Rotary Club CEO Gordon Hudson. Such AO victims are regarded as the most vulnerable people of the disadvantaged groups in Vietnam as they are direct, second or third-generation victims of the toxic chemical. Vietnam reports estimated 4.8 million people suffering from 80 million liters of defoliants including the highly toxic AO with over 10% of total areas in the southern region sprayed by the U.S. troops between 1961 and 1971. Founded in 1998, the non-profit organization has provided around 22,000 wheelchairs for poor and disabled children in over 60 countries worldwide, including more than 5,000 for Vietnamese kids. (Quan Doi Nhan Dan –People’s Army April 1 p8)