ASEAN Experts Seek Solutions to UXO Problem
The third conference of an expert working group on humanitarian mine action within the framework of the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting- Plus (ADMM+) was held in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on October 29. The event, which was organized by the Institute for International Relations under the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense, drew the participation of representatives from 18 ADMM+ member countries and the ASEAN Secretariat. Regarding unexploded ordnances (UXOs) contamination in the water environment and solutions, the conference implemented the action plan of the ADMM+ experts on humanitarian mine action and sought ways to boost cooperation and experience sharing among ADMM+ member countries in the field. Speaking at the conference, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, Deputy Minister of National Defense, emphasized that like other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Vietnam has being suffering from the severe consequences of post-war UXOs. Although war has long been over, its aftermaths continue to affect the country’s security, civilian lives and social-economic development, especially in the central region. The Vietnamese government approved a national program on tackling post-war bombs, mines and unexploded ordnances, known as Program 504, with the goal to use national and international resources to minimize the effects of UXOs on social-economic development, defense and security while ensuring safety for the people and helping victims reintegrate into society. Participants also discussed ordnance contamination in the sea and ways to solve the problem. The Vietnamese delegation introduced initiatives such as the construction of a regional center for training UXO-removal skills as well as cooperation in implementing programs, projects and studies, both bilaterally and multilaterally. An exhibition of products, technologies and equipment used to detect and remove bombs and mines, and a demonstration of clearing UXOs beneath water are scheduled to be held on the sidelines of the conference, which will finish on October 30. (Tien Phong – Pioneer Oct 30 p2)