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For the first time, a combo of books "Lọt qua khe cửa hẹp - Passing through small door gap" and "Sống Việt Nam, làm quốc tế - Live locally, work globally" is published to provide NGO job seekers a comprehensive guidance on how to successfully apply for jobs and how to professionally work in NGOs and international organizations.

Link to read the books:;

Jobs Search

Job Title Organisation Name Application Deadline Location
Finance and Admin Officer AMOHI Project Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Ho Chi Minh

Job Opportunities (Consultants) at USAID LinkSME Project

IESC – the International Executive Service Corps – is a U.S.-based nonprofit that seeks private enterprise solutions to problems of poverty in developing countries and around the world. By providing a mix of technical assistance and volunteer expert support, IESC works with emerging industries, financial institutions, and governments to stabilize economic environments, increase opportunity, and promote growth. We have completed over 25,000 projects in more than 130 countries worldwide.  

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2022-05-31

Local Consultant for Review and Comments on the Detailed Plan Guiding the Implementation of Decision 1942/QD-TTg

Viet-Nam Assistance for the Handicapped/VNAH (, a U.S based NGO, is implementing the “Disability Rights Enforcement, Coordination and Therapies” project funded by USAID. Within this project, VNAH, in coordination with Social Protection Department (SPD) - MOLISA, seeking a national consultant to review and comments on the detailed plan guiding the implementation of Decision 1942/QD-TTg dated November 18th, 2021 on improving the quality of social supports and health cares for the target population comprising the vets, persons with disabilities, the elderly, children and other social protection beneficiaries period 2021 - 2030.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2022-05-29

Analyst - Project Financial Analysis and Support (PLANS)

The Organization

The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) delivers research-based solutions that harness agricultural biodiversity and sustainably transform food systems to improve people’s lives. Alliance solutions address the global crises of malnutrition, climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation.

With novel partnerships, the Alliance generates evidence and mainstreams innovations to transform food systems and landscapes so that they sustain the planet, drive prosperity, and nourish people in a climate crisis.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2022-06-05

Consultant to Undertake Mid-term Review for “Youth Address Gender Stereotypes and Promote Gender Equality” Project

Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice.  Our global confederation includes 21 member organizations working in 70 countries.

We have a vision of a just and sustainable world. A world where people and the planet are at the center of our economy. Where women and girls live free from violence and discrimination. Where the climate crisis is contained. And where governance systems are inclusive and allow for those in power to be held to account.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2022-05-26

Project Coordinator

Project coordinator recruitment for the project on “Associated agriculture for long-term income stabilization of ethnic minorities and equal integration in community development in Vietnam”

The Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD) was founded in 1995 with the missions to conduct research, training, technology transfer and policy advocacy in order to enhance the capacity of the people, social organizations, community and local officials on agriculture and rural development with a view to improving livelihood, environmental and ecological protection, social equity and democracy. 

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2022-05-25

Consultancy for Training Workshop on Prevention of Origin Fraud and Illegal Transshipment

USAID Trade Facilitation Program

Training Workshop

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2022-05-25

National STTA Tariff Expert

USAID Trade Facilitation Program


Technical assistance on the development of the Decree on schedules of import tariffs, preferential import tariffs, list of goods and its flat tax, compound tariff, and out-of-quota import tariff

Proposed Personnel:           National STTA Tariff Expert

Period of Performance:       o/a 26 May – 31 July 2022

Origin/Destination:             Hanoi, Vietnam

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Mon, 2022-05-23

Rehabilitation Physician Consultant


Title: Rehabilitation Physician Consultant


The International Center (formerly known as Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation -VVAF) is a humanitarian organization that has addressed the consequences of war through advocacy and service programs in Vietnam for the last three decades. As a cofounder of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, IC-VVAF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. Now working under The International Center, IC, focuses on disability support, landmine removal, and mental health programs.

The Moving Without Limits Project

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2022-05-26

Project Offer - Livelihood Education

Aide et Action International (AEAI) is an international NGO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.  AEA International began its programs in India in 1981 and is now working in more than 19 countries across Africa, Europe, South Asia, and Southeast Asia to support the development of sustainable education projects with our believes in the universal right to a quality education and bases each intervention around this ethos.

The activities in South East Asia (SEA) started in 2001 with local partners and government agencies in Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao PDR, and Myanmar to enhance the quality of education as well as to facilitate the access to quality education.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Tue, 2022-05-31

Fundraising Officer (Temporary)

Job Title: Fundraising Officer (Temporary)

Reports to: Acting Head of Fundraising and Communication (HFC)


Saigonchildren is a UK registered charity working exclusively in Vietnam. The vision for saigonchildren is to work towards the elimination of poverty in Vietnam through education. Our mission is that:

“Saigonchildren enables disadvantaged children in Vietnam to reach their full potential through receiving a quality education relevant to their needs.”

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Ho Chi Minh
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2022-05-22