WWF-VIET NAM: Call for Expression of Interest: "Project Coordinator to support the operation of Project Management Unit"

WWF-Viet Nam would like to request Cvs from eligible  national individual consultant (hereafter called the Consultant) to provide services as a Project Coordinator at PMU locating in Ha Noi.

Details of the ToR and instructions can be find in the following link: https://vietnam.panda.org/en/get_involved/jobs/?uNewsID=378256

How to apply:

Base on the contents of assignment described in the Terms of Reference, the candidates are requested to submit the Application, according to the following forms:





Letter of interests

Annex 1


Curriculum vitae (CV)

Annex 2


Release Letter (if expert is working full-time at a state-owned units)

Annex 3


Release Letter (applicable to consultants working full-time at non-state agencies)

Annex 4

The candidate can submit a soft-copy to the email address of the WWF’s representative [email protected] cc [email protected] or submit a hard-copy to: WWF-VN office, No. 6, Lane 18, Nguyen Co Thach, Cau Dien ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi.

Only the shortlists will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 17:00 of March 08 2023.



Job Details
Organisation Name: 
Application Deadline: 
Wed, 2023-03-08