Workshop Facilitators

Workshop to share and internalize Child protection policy

1. General information

Child abuse is a global problem and can occur in forms of physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse. A child may also be subjected to neglect, forced to live under harmful conditions or become exploited. All though children’s overall conditions in Vietnam have improved immensely over the past two decades there are still areas which need attention. Disparities are widening between the rich and the poor, the Kinh majority and the ethnic minorities, and between urban and rural areas. With support from UNICEF, Vietnam recently developed its own child-specific approach to poverty, based on basic needs like education, health, shelter, social inclusion and protection. This approach led to an estimation concluding that, in 2006 about a third of all children below 16 could be considered poor(UNICEF). Children who live in poverty, or are affected by natural disasters are particularly vulnerable and are often subjects of abuse. The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD), in compliance with Caritas Australia’s request and expectations, recognizes that a child protection policy is a necessary tool in assuring that any child who may be involved in, or affected by, our work is protected.

The Child Protection Policy (CPP) after construction will be mainstreamed into SRD’s program operation and projects implementation. Therefore, in order to provide sufficient information of practical and specific context and conceptual understanding to its staff, SRD will organize a workshop for sharing, discussing and internalizing CPP contents.

2. Objectives
CPP contents are shared, explained and discussed for understanding and possible application by SRD project partners in local areas;

3. Time, venue and methods
The workshop (WS) will be held in 2 days expected in the last week of October 2013 in Ha Noi as follows:

Day 1: For general introduction and concept
Presentation, questions and answers.

Day 2: For sharing possible cases in practical situation in local areas
Introduction of some popular examples in the project areas;
Specific solutions applied possibly in relation to CPP;
Case studies, questions and answers.

4. Participants
30 participants who are SRD Advisory Board members, SRD project partners accompanied by their project officers in-charge.

5.  Responsibilities of Facilitators

- Read the CPP and related forms;
- Prepare plan, including some specific examples for facilitating the WS;
- MC and facilitate WS presentation, group discussion to ensure obtain specified objectives;
- Summarize and wrap up everyday;

6. Requirement for Facilitators

- Expertise in the area of child protection and development;
- Experience and skills in WS facilitation;
- Experience working with NGO and community is preferable;

7. Fee

Fee for 2 days at WS and 1 day before and after including document reading, preparation and report writing is 150USD /day x 3 days = 450 USD (including PIT which SRD will deduct directly when payment is made);

The Organization committee will provide any assistance for the facilitators to do the jobs best, including stationeries, lunch at the WS and other facilities needed.

8. Other support

- The task force team of SRD will assist and collaborate with the facilitators before and during the WS;
- Provide required documents for facilitators to prepare document and WS facilitation plan;
- Pay the fee as agreed (wire to the facilitators’ bank account as provided).

9. Contact

Interested candidates are encourage to contact with and or send their letter of interest together with CV before 10 Octorber 2013 to SRD Human Resource department and Child protection policy task force team at: [email protected] and [email protected]

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)
Ha Noi
Application Deadline: 
Thu, 2013-10-10